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First European Summer University of Attac

Seminar on flexicurity and social dismantling in Europe

From 2 to 5 August 2008 the first European Summer University of Attac was held in Saarbrücken, Germany. About 800 people attended, who came from many European countries : Germany, France, Austria, Switzerland, Scandinavia, Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Greece, Spain, Italy... and of course Belgium.

At this event Attac Brussels (1 and 2) organised a 4 days seminar on flexicurity and social models, in collaboration with Attac Paris centre and other speakers who came from different countries. Between 20 and 30 people were present every day ; if we count the total number of attendees who came at different times, they sum up to around 60 people.

Programme :

Saturday 2 August

- Henri Houben, economist, member of Attac Brussels 1, « Flexicurity : Origins and causes ». For the presentation, click here.

- Tom Sauer, Attac Germany and professor at the University of Applied sciences of Iena, « Comparison of social models in Europe ». Overview of the Scandinavian model.

- Pierre Khalfa, member of the scientific council of Attac France and spokesperson of the grouping of trade unions Solidaires, « The European Court of Justice against social Europe ». Some papers on the same topic by Pierre Khalfa : Statement on European law against social law, European law against social law, The Vaxholm ruling : the hypocrisy of European law.

Sunday 3 August

- Francine Mestrum, lecturer at ULB (Free University of Brussels), member of Attac Flanders, « Politiques nationales et européennes » : Presentation on national and European policies.

- Pierre Joseph, member of Attac Paris Centre, « Flexicurity in France » : Presentation Flexicurity in France. The full text on the situation of flexicurity in France is on the website of Attac France. You can see it by clicking here.

- Tom Sauer, Attac Germany and professor at the University of Applied sciences of Iena, « Flexicurity in Denmark ». The Danish model.

Monday 4 August

- Flora Flamant, member of Attac Brussels 1, « Flexicurity in Italy and Belgium ». Her presentations : Flexicurity in Belgium and in Italy (in French). An article on flexicurity in Italy is also available on the website of Attac Brussels : Flexi-precarity : the Italian model.

- Mathyas Benyik, economist, president of Attac Hungary, « Flexicurity in Hungary ». For a long version of the presentation, click here.

- Evelyne Perrin, member of AC ! and of « Stop Précarité » in France, « The situation of the « less » in the labour market ». A version of her presentation can be found in the frame of the French Summer University of Attac in Toulouse : Unemployment, precarity, flexibility : an alternative, the guarantee of income for all. There is an English version here : Platform of the jobless and precarious workers for a guaranteed decent income and social rights.

Tuesday 5 August

- Sophie Heine, political scientist, member of Attac Brussels 1, « Quality full employment or chosen flexibility ? » : What alternative for what employment ?.

- Tom Sauer, Attac Germany and professor at the University of Applied sciences of Iena, « Which social model shall we choose ? ».


The seminar was concluded by a discussion on alternatives. You can find the conclusions by clicking here.

Besides, the following documents can be useful to the reflection and we wish to propose them as a tool aimed at progressing in awareness raising and in our struggles.

Proposals for a programme on flexicurity by Attac Brussels

Unemployment, precarity, flexibility : an alternative, the guaranteed revenue for all.